Testimonials / Press
@gordonramsayofficial I’ve been pitched some ideas in my time….but this one from #FoodStarsAu is on a differnt level 😳. Australia ! More tonight on @Channel 9 & @9Now ♬ original sound - Gordon Ramsay

The biggest news outlet in the country loved the fact Gordon Ramsay put me on his Tiktok and wrote this lovely article:
Full story here. 

Australia's NO.1 radio show with 1.5M audience makes good old Intern Pete try our hot sauce, and it doesn't go well. Click to Watch.

Full Story Here
Beautiful write up from 9 Honey all about the history of Bunsters.
9Honey found my chilli vodka experiments hilarious.
Smart Company were obsessed with the fact people can’t cook!
They were also obsessed with my accidental branding prowess.
WA brand behind cheekily named viral hot sauce set to ride 'Australian Made' wave.
The whole country ran that story!!

9Honey found my chilli vodka experiments hilarious.

Full Story Here

Time Out wants some free vodka.

Hot Sauce-Infused Vodka Is A Thing
This Is What Dreams Are Made Of
News of our equity crowdfund.
Mike E & Emma Try One Of The World’s Hottest Hot Sauces!
Channel 7 came and drank some bloody marys with us when we announced our vodka.
A Current Affair chased me down the street calling me a dodgy tradesman then filed this report...
I was featured on David Koch's TV show twice. Telling my story and giving some Social Media tips.

News of our equity crowdfund.
The Business News covered the story when we started our equity raise in June 2019.
Full Story Here (Paywall). (PDF).

The West Australian Business Insider did a feature on successful W.A. kitchen table start ups and featured Bunsters. A lovely write up that also features a photo of me the week before I gave birth to my second child (fattest I've ever been in my life documented on the internet forever. Yay.) (Full story here).
I was featured on David Koch's TV show twice. Telling my story and giving some Social Media tips.
Broadcasting bloody legend Chris Bath was so impressed with my achievements on Amazon she had me on her radio show.
Ozzy Man Reviews
Everyone's favourite Ozzy wanker came down to the Freo Chilli festival and hung out with us on our stall and did a live. Bloody hilarious day.
Everyone's favourite Ozzy wanker came down to the Freo Chilli festival and hung out with us on our stall and did a live. Bloody hilarious day.

Great write up about our COVID success by THE news of Australia.
Full story here. The news was very excited about our new vodka.
Full story here.
(Gold Coast Bulletin, The Mercury, Adelaide Now, NT News, Courier Mail, Herald Sun, Geelong Advertiser, The Chronicle, Noosa News, Gympie Times, Daily Mercury, Tweed Daily News, Warwick Daily, Queensland Times, News Mail, Gatton Star, Daily Examiner, Fraser Coast Chronicle, Northern Star, Sunshine Coast, Byron News, The Morning Bulettin, South Burnett Times, Gladstone Observer, Whit Sunday Times, Dalby Herald, Coffs Coast Advocate, Chinchilla News, CQ News, Ballina Advocate, Sound Health and Lasting Wealth, WSFM Online, Spirited Zine, Fartley Farms)
Plus, getting a smash hit on Amazon USA hit THE NEWS of Australia. This article was run on every major news website. in Australia. It was a massive week for us! (The Daily Telegraph, NT News, Herald Sun, Adelaide Advertiser, Sunshine Coast Daily, Courier Mail.)
Full story here.
The Australian called us up for a chat about our vodka n stuff killing it on Amazon.
Our Hot Sauce Making Kit was road tested by The Australian Newspaper
Link to the review here (Paywall) or PDF.

"This one is deep and complex and fucked up. This is a complex heat. It doesn't just sit in the throat. This one is a very selfish heat, it goes in through the entire cranium" - Elie Ayrouth, Foodbeast.
Just received my shit the bed and god damn that is some good sauce. Not just the heat but it actually tastes really, really good. You have scored yourself a long time customer my friend. Keep up the good work.
Sh*t the Bed" Hot Sauce takes the cake for offering an intense level of heat while still offering a punch of flavor. This is where the majority of hot sauces fail: they deliver spiciness while having little to no flavor.

Even superstar DJs Danny Howells and John Digweed call the white-hot bowel moving magma a personal favourite.

The Digweed - Howells Shit the Bed love-in hit the Australian national music newspapers - The Music.com.au. Woo Hoo.

Becoming the #1 best selling hot sauce on Amazon USA - all because a backpacker photo went viral - was big news downunder.
Plus, getting a smash hit on Amazon USA hit THE NEWS of Australia. This article was run on every major news website. in Australia. It was a massive week for us! (The Daily Telegraph, NT News, Herald Sun, Adelaide Advertiser, Sunshine Coast Daily, Courier Mail.)
Full story here.

A brilliant story about our home grown success on Channel 7's Today Tonight programme.
Our Hot Sauce Making Kit was road tested by The Australian Newspaper
Link to the review here (Paywall) or PDF.

Larry Emdur

The legendary Aussie TV show host posted this to his Instagram because he's in love with me and it's so obvious.

News of our equity raise made the West.
Scoring a place on Hot Ones was big news in W.A.
The West Australian breaks the news of our GOLDEN TICKETS! Full story here
Amazon USA was big news in our little home town of Perth. "Shit the Bed hot sauce queen Renae Bunster goes global".
Amazon USA was big news in our little home town of Perth. "Shit the Bed hot sauce queen Renae Bunster goes global".
Journos at the West angling for a few drinks :
It was quite funny when Channel 9's Lisa Fernandez made the rookie error of eating our sauce live on air.
Nova FM's brekky legends Fitzy and Wippa can't get enough of Shit the Bed. Fitzy used it to prank Wippa's lunch once.....
And this other time they made a one minute long advert for Shit the Bed and played it on air!
News of our share offering hit the local radio station. Full story here.
We dominated the 96fm news on November 23, 2017 because we hit the #1 spot on Amazon. No big deal.

Peking Duk

I just thought I'd send you a love letter because your Shit the Bed Black Label is fucking amazing. I love it. Its the best never ending bottle of chilli sauce I've ever had. I'm smitten :-D I look forward to seeing what you come up with next. Cya.
I just thought I'd send you a love letter because your Shit the Bed Black Label is fucking amazing. I love it. Its the best never ending bottle of chilli sauce I've ever had. I'm smitten :-D I look forward to seeing what you come up with next. Cya.
David Koch had me on his radio show on Talking Lifestyle to have a little chat about my silly little hot sauce. Oh how we laughed. Listen to the podcast of it here.
The bloody funny Tommy Little made Carrie Bickmore eat Shit the Bed chocolate live on the radio and it was a shit move. Funny, but shit move.

We've hit the Daily Mail five times now.
The Daily Mail loved our Shit the Bed Vodka announcement. That time we got to #1 on Amazon because a backpacker's photo went viral.That time Kyle and Jackie O did the Shit the Bed challenge.That time they ripped my photos off Instagram and made me sound totally awesome.That time our mates at Bogans n Beers drank a VB and Shit the Bed cocktail.
The Daily Mail loved our Shit the Bed Vodka announcement. That time we got to #1 on Amazon because a backpacker's photo went viral.That time Kyle and Jackie O did the Shit the Bed challenge.That time they ripped my photos off Instagram and made me sound totally awesome.That time our mates at Bogans n Beers drank a VB and Shit the Bed cocktail.
New York Magazine's Strategist trawled through the best Amazon reviews and judged Shit the Bed to be one of the best hot sauces on the site."
The Best Hot Sauces on Amazon, According to Hyperenthusiastic Reviewers.
The Best Hot Sauces on Amazon, According to Hyperenthusiastic Reviewers.
The funny buggers at Buzzfeed in Los Angeles got hold of a bottle of our sauce and had some fun with it. "...then the flames go down your throat and it feels like Lucifer scratching the walls of your esophagus. The fire is raging hard on this one, but so is the flavor... and I like it. I would try this with some tacos al pastor."
Full story here.
Full story here.

Nova FM's brekky legends Fitzy and Wippa can't get enough of Shit the Bed. Fitzy used it to prank Wippa's lunch once.....
And this other time they made a one minute long advert for Shit the Bed and played it on air!
Nova's Nathan, Nat and Shaun nearly killed themselves eating my chocolate, just to be polite. Such nice guys.

We dominated the 96fm news on November 23, 2017 because we hit the #1 spot on Amazon. No big deal.
Full story here.
I went on morning radio in Perth with Carmen and Fitzy. That bloke is a remorseless chilli eating machine. No anal leakage in sight.
Perth now just had to tell everyone about this inspirational Perth MILF.
Full story here.
I went on morning radio in Perth with Carmen and Fitzy. That bloke is a remorseless chilli eating machine. No anal leakage in sight.
Lovely write up from Perth Now about our new vodka.
Full story here.
Full story here.
Perth's gossip pages went in to overdrive when Chris Hemsworth and Matt Damon came to town and sampled Shit the Bed and took some home with them.
Full story here.
Full story here.
Perth now just had to tell everyone about this inspirational Perth MILF.
Full story here.
I have become the poster child for Aussie export success.Here's a comprehensive look at the backstory of Bunsters.
Full story here.

The gronks at the piss funny Instagram account Brown Cardigan found my food festival shenanigans funny. Who could blame them. Check out the post here.

Our success in the USA caught the attention of the big wigs over at the Business News. They wrote this lovely article about us.

WOW you absolutely nailed it. I thought it would be ok..... but you exceeded my expectations 10 times over. Perfect heat, beautiful flavour. I shall become a definite repeat customer. Thank you.
WOW you absolutely nailed it. I thought it would be ok..... but you exceeded my expectations 10 times over. Perfect heat, beautiful flavour. I shall become a definite repeat customer. Thank you.

Sam, California
I wanted to let you know that I ate the entire jar that I bought for myself. This stuff is absolutely unbelievable. I collect hot sauces and this is at the top of the list of favorites. I gave the other three jars I bought to my son and son in law. Everyone is bonkers for the sauce. How do we get more here in the states?
I wanted to let you know that I ate the entire jar that I bought for myself. This stuff is absolutely unbelievable. I collect hot sauces and this is at the top of the list of favorites. I gave the other three jars I bought to my son and son in law. Everyone is bonkers for the sauce. How do we get more here in the states?
Just received my order of shit the bed and shit the bed black label, tried both instantly and all I can say is FUCK YES! Best sauce ever, flavour is perfect, very satisfied customer, Keep up the great work Bunster!
Just received my order of shit the bed and shit the bed black label, tried both instantly and all I can say is FUCK YES! Best sauce ever, flavour is perfect, very satisfied customer, Keep up the great work Bunster!
Kyle: "Take him out we can't have him die on air"
Jackie O: "You can't die from it because it's on the market"
Kyle: "Well, that hasn't really been tested".

I was honoured to get to yabber on at length to Timbo Reid on Australia's best marketing podcast "The Small Business Big Marketing Show" have a listen here.

Dan and Adam from New York's Thrillist complied a list of the most important hot sauces by continent. It's a great read for any hot sauce enthusiast as there are some tasty sounding sauces on the list. Australia's most important hot sauce? The one and only Shit The Bed.
I love the absolute shit out of my sauce. I think I am up to my third bottle. I have it pretty much on everything I eat. I can not speak highly enough about the quality of the sauce. I have mentioned this before but the search for a perfect hot sauce has been a long journey for me. This is now a journey I no longer need to take as I have reached my destination with "shit the bed". I am down to 2 bottles and will be placing another order again soon.
I love the absolute shit out of my sauce. I think I am up to my third bottle. I have it pretty much on everything I eat. I can not speak highly enough about the quality of the sauce. I have mentioned this before but the search for a perfect hot sauce has been a long journey for me. This is now a journey I no longer need to take as I have reached my destination with "shit the bed". I am down to 2 bottles and will be placing another order again soon.

One of the nation’s hottest new start-ups recently set a world record for hot sauce crowdfunding, selling 18,000 bottles of sauce and raising $250,000.
I'm a chef in Richmond Virginia. We ordered 3 bottles and they are all gone. The kitchen manager and myself devoured almost the whole first bottle in a matter of hours I think. We were sweating our asses off but couldn't stop eating it. The flavor profile was incredible and the heat was intense. One of our regulars mixed it with Ranch dressing for dipping and that was fantastic, another loaded his soup up with it as well.
I'm a chef in Richmond Virginia. We ordered 3 bottles and they are all gone. The kitchen manager and myself devoured almost the whole first bottle in a matter of hours I think. We were sweating our asses off but couldn't stop eating it. The flavor profile was incredible and the heat was intense. One of our regulars mixed it with Ranch dressing for dipping and that was fantastic, another loaded his soup up with it as well.
Punish your anus and permanently stain your bed sheets by bravely sprinkling in some of this “Shit The Bed” hot sauce onto your meals. It's loaded with Scorpion chillies – the 3rd hottest chili in the world – along with a blend of herbs and spices.
Just received my shit the bed and god damn that is some good sauce. Not just the heat but it actually tastes really, really good. You have scored yourself a long time customer my friend. Keep up the good work.
Just dropping by to inform you that just about everybody I work with is a Mexican, born in Mexico, and they love the 12/10. Congratulations Bunsters, you've gotten the Mexican stamp of approval.
Just dropping by to inform you that just about everybody I work with is a Mexican, born in Mexico, and they love the 12/10. Congratulations Bunsters, you've gotten the Mexican stamp of approval.

Sh*t the Bed" Hot Sauce takes the cake for offering an intense level of heat while still offering a punch of flavor. This is where the majority of hot sauces fail: they deliver spiciness while having little to no flavor.
My god.... Shit the bed.... it's incredible. It's a great sauce - really nice level of heat with a delicious garlic hit. It's powerful but tasty.
My god.... Shit the bed.... it's incredible. It's a great sauce - really nice level of heat with a delicious garlic hit. It's powerful but tasty.

Even superstar DJs Danny Howells and John Digweed call the white-hot bowel moving magma a personal favourite.
David F.
Truly the best hot sauce my body and I have ever had. From the moment we opened it we have literally tried it on everything lol. Love it wish I would have ordered way more then one bottle.
Truly the best hot sauce my body and I have ever had. From the moment we opened it we have literally tried it on everything lol. Love it wish I would have ordered way more then one bottle.
...with each step of my jog a little bit of taco sludge made it out of my rectum, thus resetting the mental sign in my head that reads, "No Accidents In 7300 days". Would I rather shit myself while running to the bathroom , or while I'm laying in bed? That's the real question.
I’ve been loving your hot sauce putting it on anything that i can and can’t eat, it just makes everything taste so gooooood!!! It actually works quite well as a digestive aid which likes to sneak up on me in the middle of the night???hahahahaha, so you'll be glad to know that it lives up to it’s name.
I’ve been loving your hot sauce putting it on anything that i can and can’t eat, it just makes everything taste so gooooood!!! It actually works quite well as a digestive aid which likes to sneak up on me in the middle of the night???hahahahaha, so you'll be glad to know that it lives up to it’s name.

Because why not eat something that guarantees you shit the bed, right?
Willa (France)
Shit the bed est une sauce absolument phénoménal. J'adore tout se qui est épicé et je peux honnêtement dire que cette sauce est ma préférée. Je l'utilise sur tout pour donner un peu plus de puissance à mes plats.
Shit the bed est une sauce absolument phénoménal. J'adore tout se qui est épicé et je peux honnêtement dire que cette sauce est ma préférée. Je l'utilise sur tout pour donner un peu plus de puissance à mes plats.
Translated: Shit the bed is an absolutely insane sauce. I love everything that's spicey and I can honestly say that this is my favourite. I use it on everything to give any dish that extra kick.

The Digweed - Howells Shit the Bed love-in hit the Australian national music newspapers - The Music.com.au. Woo Hoo.
Bunster you are fucking amazing. I received my sauces today right in time for my bacon and eggs for brekkie. Your sauce is not what I expected I honestly didn't expect it to pack such a punch or have that much flavour. I've been searching my whole life to find a chilli sauce that has heat and actual flavour I'll be making regular purchases that's for sure.
Cool Things to Buy For
If someone says something along the lines of “I like spicy foods going in, but not coming out”, then that person is a phony. And I’ll explain why.
Don't worry about the free postage, shit the bed should come with a free doughnut shaped ice pack for your freckle. This stuff is insanely hot and I just love giving people a taste test. Keep up the great work Bunster!
There is a hot sauce made by Bunsters that's so hot they named it "Shit The Bed". Made from the famously hot scorpion chillis , the hot sauce has been said to make you do exactly what is advertised!
Inside cover, The West Australian. Tuesday 2nd December.
Me giving DJ Diplo a bottle of Shit The Bed made the newspapers in Perth. Slow news day.

Inside Cover, The West Australian. Thursday 13th October.
Get to Alfred's Burger Kitchen next time you are in Western Australia. They have a kick ass Chilli Burger.